Accounts: GitHub CurseForge Modrinth
This section contains links to all personal projects I'm currently working on!

The DeepslateCutting Logo

DeepslateCutting: GitHub Modrinth CurseForge _______________________________

The MobSpecificEnchants Log

Mob Specific Enchants GitHub _______________________________

Upgrade Everything Data pack: GitHub _______________________________

Chocolatify Resource Pack: GitHub CurseForge _______________________________

This Website ;) GitHub ________________________________________________________________________

External Projects
This section contains projects that aren't personal, but ones that I'm greatly involved in

The LilyBot Logo

LilyBot is a specialised discord bot, tailored to The Iris Project discord server GitHub _______________________________

The QuiltMC Logo

Quilt Mappings:
I am a member of the Quilt Mappings team, and also a Trial Moderator! GitHub _______________________________

I'm working with my friend Bubblie on a cool content mod ;P GitHub ________________________________________________________________________

Archived Projects
This is a small section detailing past projects, which are now archived

The periodic logo

Periodic Mod Fabric: GitHub _______________________________

The SmoothBedrock Logo

SmoothBedrock By Blayyke GitHub
